Samishigariya no Love Letter
Main character finds a little chocolate tin inside his backpack, with a letter inside saying 'I have no friends' (or something like that). The MC starts communicating with that person via putting letters inside the tin, learning that the person is 3 years from the past
Mazu wa, Hitokuchi.
Flying pigs! <3
Sore wa Tabetewa Ikemasen
Multiple stories. The first one is about a human living with a cowardly vampire in a mansion
Koori Ga Tokeru No O Matteru
1st story - MC loses bet and has to stand in a gay district, where he meets a salary man that wants him to watch him master bate 2nd - MC loses his job and finds his girlfriend cheating on him. He starts to think about dying but he meets another man who seems to be similar to him 3 - MC finds an elementary school aged ghosts and invites him over. He then asks a classmate to come over to help the ghost crossover
Hara Peko Mitsuba Chinko