Kedamono Arashi -Love Me Baby!-
Sequel #6/7 omg omg omg ♡♡♡♡♡♡ i love this story so much!!! I KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE THE BOTTOM. YES. YES. YES. I love these developments with side characters
Broken Boy
This is one beautifully fucked up story. I loved it so much. I was so scared a good majority of this story. I think this is one of the first stories where i cared for another character waaay more than the main character we were following. I cried because i was scared he was going to get hurt or die. Nothing even happened yet but i was still crying at the thought of him dying lol. Everything fell together beautifully. If you asked me how i thought it was going to end from any chapter until the last 10 or so, id say a horrific tragedy. The way the author ramped up the emotion and tension was perfect. I couldnt predict anything. Absolutely beautiful. Absolute masterpiece. Definite reread
Tokoro de ima ha nanbanme deshou ka
Cute! Nothing new but adorable
Kedamono Arashi - Touch Me Baby!