Orange (takano Ichigo)
I am so happy that everything turned out the way everyone worked hard for. Suwa my man such a selfless person. He gave up his future with his kid and marriage to naho to have kakeru alive and happy with naho. The fact that he has a picture of his family in the future and that he knows that would never come true now that kakeru has naho really makes my heart sink. I hope my suwa finds love greater than what he had with naho in the parallel future. The fact that i know that the parallel future is still the same (suwa and naho have their baby and theyre married) and that this parallel future has kakeru and naho happy makes me happy though. In the end suwa is happy in both universes but each for a different reason. I love this story. I balled my eyes out many many times throughout this story. i love it so much i need to watch the anime. Please please reread
Mujihi Na Karada