Rabbit Hole
oh my god. i thought this was gonna be smut with a pinch of plot but omg i was turned on AND hooked on this story dude how come this is so fucked up but i love it so much. damn i cant believe what happened. i am both horny and sad. the ending was good for everyone.everything happened in such a good way but god. i wish it worked out better for the male lead
Usotsuki wa Shinshi no Hajimari
So realistic funny and painfully bittersweet. I cant give it less than a 9 out of 10. They truly love eachother they just cant be together. So real and sad. These are one of the ones i wish it was a cliche ending. I just want them to live happily
My Uncle
MAN this was hot. I want a DILF with a huge cock. I dont like how the story progressed to the end but at the very end at least theyre together. Just ugh. I wish there was more just their life together now that her mom is gone. Definite reread
Kogareru Yubisaki