Pretty cute tbh. I love both of them amd they had everything i wanted EXCPT KNOTTING but its whatever lol. I still sae them have a happy family and see their love never die out even years later
A Way To Protect The Lovable You
Masterpiece. Unique and not at the same time lol. Cute story, cute characters, just so in love. Definite reread. Masterpiece
Toumei Otoko to Ningen Onna ~Sonouchi Fuufu ni Naru Futari~
So absolutely fucking adorable ♡♡♡♡♡ they both have my heart ♡♡♡♡ i love them so flippin much dude. Still ongoing but i know this will be a masterpiece ♡♡♡♡ the blind and the invisible fall in love UUUGH i cant get enough
Darling for dessert
Cute ♡♡ nothing too special. Didnt get super into the characters but i was still touched in some moments. Its definitely a reread but not a masterpiece just because i wasnt too attached.
The Duchess with an Empty Soul
Reincarnation revenge story ♡♡♡ by god does sge get her revenge and fell in love while doing it ♡♡♡♡ oh my gosh the feeling i got when we figured out WHO actually rewound time made my heart race. Im so happy theyre happy. Definite reread ♡♡♡ masterpiece ♡♡♡
Every Villain Is Lemons
You know...this was absolutley crazy. So much shit happened i couldnt really keep up with what was going on. I was just as clueless about my feelungs as peter was. Its like i lived through this with him. I didnt realuze how invested i was in this story until the last 10 chapters. EVERYTHING that happened threw me for a loop. I cried HARD. I didnt even know i was gonna cry tbh. Definite reread. Maybe a reread might clear some things up that i might have forgot. If there were side stories i feel like tgis would have been a masterpiece. I feel like we were just left hanging with the answer. I want ti see HOW ALL OF THAT SHIT WAS WORTH IT. I just wanted to see them happy in their own twisted way that only that can be. Once again definite reread and PLEASE WE NEED SIDE STORIES.
5/10 Really no character development or story at all. Gotta love the porn but still.....i would like some depth in a story you know? Kpop idol boy group with 2 couples. Typical conflict. No character development. The sex was hot and i liked tye art too so it didnt get too bad of a rating but still. Tbh wouldnt reread. I felt like i wasted my time.
Death To The White Ferret Weasel
After reading so many of these stories, Ive noticed i cried less often. When it looked like death was inevitable i knew they were gomna vome back but MAN I BAWLED MY EYES OUT ABOUT THE PAST. JUST THINKING ABOUT IT AGAIN IS MAKING ME CRY . This was a beautiful beautiful story. Well paced, nothing extra. Just amazing plot, amazing characters, and an amazing love story. I couldnt hate the villian more man. Just seeing him makes me angry. Which makes him an amazing villian. Seriously underrated masterpiece. Definite reread
Dear Benjamin 1.5
THIS was such a good story. I think that the reason the author dropped this was plausable but this story needs to be finished. Its been 2 years since an update. I dont know if this story would ever be finished. I wanted to see how everything ended. My heart is broken that i dont get to see it. I really hipe the author decides to pick this up again. I need to know. Im begging. Im pretty sure if this was completed it would be a materpiece. I love both of them. The story is so fucking cool and adorable at the same time. Not to mention the BIGGEST cliffhanger ever. I need to know. PLEASE AUTHOR PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FINISH. THEYRE COMING BACK FALL OF 2024 WAAAAAAHHHHHHH LAST CHAPTER READ 45. I DONT EVEN CARE IF THE ART CHANGES SIGNIFICANTLY I WANT TO SEE THE ENDDDDDDD Edit: SO FLIPPIN CUTEEEEEE AWWWW I LOVE EVERYONE SO MUCH MANNNNNN. Definite reread ♡♡♡♡♡ Masterpiece ♡♡♡♡♡♡