Broken Boy
This is one beautifully fucked up story. I loved it so much. I was so scared a good majority of this story. I think this is one of the first stories where i cared for another character waaay more than the main character we were following. I cried because i was scared he was going to get hurt or die. Nothing even happened yet but i was still crying at the thought of him dying lol. Everything fell together beautifully. If you asked me how i thought it was going to end from any chapter until the last 10 or so, id say a horrific tragedy. The way the author ramped up the emotion and tension was perfect. I couldnt predict anything. Absolutely beautiful. Absolute masterpiece. Definite reread
Miscreants And Mayhem
This was beautiful. I loved this story so much. I am so glad they actually get a happy ending. So much shit happened in their lives man. They deserve to be happy. Brothers without a tomorrow didnt disappoint. I loved my twisted freaks ♡♡♡♡ definite reread ♡♡♡♡ masterpiece
Hosaka-San to Miyoshi-Kun
Written in the stars
Omgggg ♡♡♡♡ this was so adorable. Recessive alphas and omegas really got it tough but love prevails in the end. Im so happy for my main couple ♡♡♡ theyre so happy ♡♡♡ definite reread
Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante
This was absolutely adorable ♡♡♡♡♡ though things could have been solved witg communication, i feel like it was justified because that was who they were lol. In the end they are so happy and im so happy for them. Honestly this was a masterpiece. I loved it so much ♡♡♡♡ Definite reread
Marriage of Convenience
This was a beautiful story. This is one of the first stories where women play a pivotal role in the plot. Men and women are mostly equals which was very refreshing. ALL my side couples were flippin adorable and i loved them so much. And our main couple.....OUR MAIN COUPLE! Oh my gosh they went through so much shit. Everything that happened and everything that was going on was explained. You saw a reason for every interaction. They are strong and stubborn lol. All the characters felt alive. The story itself was interesting and honestly i would have loved more. I saw 141 chapters and i was like "oh gosh maybe itll drag a little" nope. It was perfect. This story was perfect. I want more so bad. Absolute masterpiece. Definite reread ♡♡♡
Kedamono Arashi -Love Me Baby!-