Man Drowning in a Veil
This one is cute but darker than I thought it would be, based on the cover. Don’t let the happy cover fool you. There’s a very deep and educational meaning in this well written story. Update ch26: dropped some stars and took it off my fav list cos it’s starting to drag out and not getting anywhere. DNF @ch27: I’m not hating on this story and message. I’m just feeling bored with it.
He + He
3.5 stars. MC seme not the abuser. Unfortunately as the weak uke can’t leave abusive relationship and also keeps MC seme around for sexy times, it looks like it’s gonna be an annoying triangle trope. DNF: dunno when I dropped this but I think it just wasn’t for me
Kemono Asobi
DNF @ch1 pg27. Love this author but being abused and hit (even if consensual) is not my thing. I don’t hate on the mangaka or readers who enjoy it, cos each their own, but this ain’t my cuppa. Had small guest appearance from seme character from Ore no Oniku-chan.
Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
Geeze. I can’t find myself hating this story. Don’t look for a fluffy romance in this one, but I do hope after all the rape and horrible crap the seme does, he eventually rewards us with some fluffiness. Update ch39: nope, no fluffiness here...
Kanraku Alpha ~Enigma~ 4 verse
3.5 stars. Wasn’t keen on the beginning of this story (revenge rape ain’t my jam no matter how hurt or in love the abuser is). Then it got more interesting as the story and secrets unfolded.
This is pretty good so far. Looks like it’s gonna be an emotional one.
Saha (Lee Uin)