Time Lag
Chaotic beginning, or at least very confusing. Their relationship is only established during the conflict/climax which I really am not fond of.
Dear Door
Intense fights and sex... Lmao. Anyway, many secrets are yet to unfold, at ch30 we're still establishing some facts while secrets are yet to unfold.
Body Complex
Glad I gave this a chance at least. It's not as complicated as a comment Ive read pointed out. It's just an ambitious 26 yr old who rely on a professor to go to Germany and be famous. But the prof aint giving his end of the deal and his son comes in unexpectedly into the picture. A love triangle that involves two cowards until a persistent son comes wrecking through their toxic relationship. Loved the growth in the end! (just too short and glossed over some details)
Hikyoumono dato Waratte Kure
The beginning threw me off to a different ending in mind, but I'm glad it progressed differently than I imagined. An introverted transfer student is befriended by 2 childhood friends. Kakeru witnesses something he shouldnt have which opened a window of opportunity for him to be closer with Yudai. Still, the bitter memories of why Kakeru transferred made it difficult to love Yudai.
Tie Me, Unravel Me, Kiss Me
I didn't expect I'd like it since the context isn't my cup of tea, but damn! Loved it! We got three friends and 2 contradicting promises, question is, which promise would be fulfilled?
Kimi To Mita Houkiboshi O Sagashite
Kawai and Ohara are in an undefined relationship of "I love you more than you think". While Ohara thinks of himself as a lost cause, Kawai wants to prove that his love is more real than Ohara thinks. And so, just like their first planetarium, these two are about to redefine their relationship.
Koko Wa Yasashii Niwa
It's funny how the author wasn't aware of the "twisted" or "dark" themes of their own story (which is actually relateable). The essence of name and identity is a core element here that's why names will be redundant to a point of it being impossible to forget their names after reading. We have an abused child who has nowhere to go and an orphaned boy who found his dead brother in him. Together, they will have to settle their past and face reality.
Soshite Mata Kiss wo Shite
Imagine setting up a cliche trope then breaking it with this realistic honesty... The type that you can tremble and feel all weak but still say the words you've been wanting to say. It's the sort to show how much you can really love someone to the point of facing your fears in front of someone who bluntly rejected you...because this time, you want to fight for someone you love and for yourself, too.
Taiyou No Kikoushi