It's unexpectedly wholesome but also ridiculous. A boss had his sex drive amplified after seeing his employee's dick at the urinal. The said employee letting it happen, and actually falling in love with his superior. Then, the boss's brother is more promiscuous and openly invites his stalker to have sex with him. Truly, these four idiots are comedic.
Then there's a promiscouos gay who've caught supposedly straight men through his looks, yet resists ever flirting with his serious and scary-faced houseworker. During a roofie incident, he succumbed into inviting his housemaid to have sex with him. He succeeds and even saw new facial expressions he has never seen on his employee. But the said employee resigned the next morning, leaving him into working overdirve and completely missing his meals. On the way home, they meet and his ex-employee concern over his lost in weight led to a not so surprising revelation.
Then, in a quite twisted and rushed, but really wholesome relationship occurs between a suicidal and his crush, whom he attempted to rape. He thought that since he'd kill himself anyway, why not have sex with the subject of his affections. Still, he failed and ended up lying about he meant about dying. His naive victim proposes to be a friend instead. But poked by his consckence, he distanced himself and attempted to jump from the roof—a sight caught by his crush who ran to stop him. Their exhange at the rooftop is too wholesome!
as a sequel to the roofie criminal, the victim's friend traps him into a drunken state. He finds himself in bed the next morning, bottomed by an effeminate man.
Are ga Shitai, Kore ga Hoshii.