The Admiral's Monster Wife
Huhu. That btch of a sister is so hateful that I just want to push her on a pile of sht. Any~way~ the FL is pretty with golden eyes and blue silver hair and damn that sun-kissed skin of ML (droolingly hot). Well, I’ll be looking forward for more chapters.
15 Minutes 'Till They Actually Start Dating
This is so cute and crazy good and fluffy. It’s like I am reading with a light mood with a grin from ear to ear as I read. They are soooo freaking cute, this couple. I love them so much it makes my heart squeeze so sweetly.
Marry My Husband
I love this story. It’s soooooooooooooooooo goooood!!! I hope there’s a drama adaptation of this like the business proposal because I’ll definitely watch it.
Home Centre Sales Clerk’s Life in Another World ~with the titles - “DIY Master”, “Green Master” and “Pet Master”~
Kimi no Koe
This manga is so good. The characters are quite unique. The ML is not your typical ML. The MC's backstory is quite tragic; she's helpless and is being cornered by people who says they cared for her. Just thinking about how the couple's relationship will go is excruciatingly painful yet makes one hopeful for the best...but of course, there will be a lot to worm on. GAHH! This manga made me cry, damn it.
How to Get My Husband on My Side