Into the light once again
I am tearing up because of how pitiful she was. I hope she'll be loved and cared for because she deserves it. Aisha, may you be happy.
Memoir Of The King Of War
MORE MORE MORE. I want to read more and don’t want to stop if possible. I super love this. The author/Artist who made this did a great job and the translators/scanlation who introduced this to the world is sooo AWESOME!
To a New Life
This is fun, soooo fun. I like the MC. He is cool-headed and is not conceited. He at least cared about saving people and not just mindlessly kill or go for the slaughter. Truly a remarkable MC, unlike others.
The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra
Crying right from the get go. FCK! I can't stop crying on around Chapter 14 I think. Gosh! My heart is hurting for her. Truly! Her parents are FCKING TRASH and her siblings are bloodsuckers!!! -You'll only know it's worth once it's gone.
The Admiral's Monster Wife
Huhu. That btch of a sister is so hateful that I just want to push her on a pile of sht. Any~way~ the FL is pretty with golden eyes and blue silver hair and damn that sun-kissed skin of ML (droolingly hot). Well, I’ll be looking forward for more chapters.
Adios, April
First and foremost, the first Emperor is a sick bastard. The current empress is a heartless btch. The head mage is a merciless jerk. The MC is pitifuL. The second prince is pitiful and too kind it hurts. The only sensible one is the future head mage if you disregard his foul mouth.
Mashiro No Oto
I hope someone will pick this manga up. I want to know more of what happened to Setsu.