Heart Stain
the ending was... okay. I think if the author wanted to show the foolishness and brashness of teenage youth, she should have had woohyun be bold and run after doha before he left for germany. People change drastically from high school to college, they become completely different people. It's hard to believe that these two people would just stick with their one sided crush and both do nothing about it and also not move on. Also, isn't it hypocritical of the author to do this when she had Doha give that other guy shit for being stuck in the past and move on?? Why is he bad for that but not the main characters??? He did the same thing, and for less time... apart from the ending, this was a chill read.. Also wtf did Doha not even come back for vacation to Korea was he suddenly too poor or something? lol. Most Koreans I know go back once or every other year... smh
Subarashii Kiseki ni Yasashii Kimi to