The Story of The Princess and The Little Mermaid
I Want to Feel You Because I Like You
Wait a minute- this one had a unique and nice plot. But why did the story turn out this way?! O-O Spoiler: so uke’s boyfriend died due to cancer and he told him(uke) to give the ring back as he said it was a token of promise to stay by his side forever. As he can’t do that, the late boyfriend wishes uke to find someone better who’ll always be by his side. You know my heart broke into a tiny million little piences when this was revealed. I feel so sad for the dead boyfriend. (At one point I thought the boyfriend left uke and uke was in his own delusion and at toher times, I thought the seme was the boyfriend but when he was alive…which doesn’t make any now but as the bf shaved off his hair I thought the theory was plausible. Here comes the awaited truth- So you mean out of all freaking things seme was a child this whole time?! *-* Wtf…. Idk how to feel anymore.
Go Go! To 2008 ☆
P.S- I agree with the person that said this was more about regrets than growth (unlike what the author tried to force on us.) Author did it so wrong!! It could’ve easily turned into a masterpiece but no, they had to ruin it by adding unnecessary and confusing elements. Edit: If season1 was the peak, season the trough of a wave. Why?!! They introduced multiverse that’s okay….but never made an ending for either of the timelines. TT-TT And yes, most probably they don’t end up together, sigh…
Blue Friend
This is the ultimate torture bromance but girl version… Just so u know, vol.3 is the cute one.
My Broken Mariko
Ezuke wa Yahan, Ano Heya de
Last chapter deserves a sequel
Code Geass - Oasis (Doujinshi)
Lucky Letter
Why does this happen to such adorable green flag couples?! TT-TT It's a sad/ bittersweet ending according to the spoilers. I didn't notice the ML being transparent in the cover NOOOOO TT-TT