Koi to Senrigan to Aonisai
Himekoi (MITSUYA Bond)
Ok. I got clickbaited... No one told me this wasn't gonna be a happy ending. I'm literally Jungshook. So, the main couple (Ch-1 to 3) actually married other people and had kids of their own. Like I know, it was just a ritual to hold a wedding but they clearly loved one another. The author did them dirty. But both their wives know of the ritual and I think clearly know thatthe two boys love one another. Well, that left a bad taste in my mouth. Ch-4 to 5 is about both of their kids who do end up together (THANK GOD). I'm happy for the kids but it still just doesn't sit right with me knowing that their fathers didn't end up together (though they remain as friends). But again, if the fathers had a happy ending, the kids won't be born and we wouldn't get to see their story then. I'm just confused and my heart kinda hearts. :/ TT-TT
YuZe of the Peach Blossom Springs