Monster and the Beast
A middle aged traveller and a forest monster. The monster saves the man from an assault and tags along the man on his travels around the world. There are few smut scenes but overall, theyre very soft and not so explicit. Its very fitting for this adorable story. This was very fun to binge on while listening to minecraft music for 10 hrs.
Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!
A tomboy is trying rlly hard to be acknowledged as a girl by her childhood friend
Hope You've Been Well
I stopped at ch 33 i forgot about this story tbh lolwoops
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta...
Forgot where i was in thr dtory when i stopped
The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess
Forogt what happeend tbh
Princess Shuden
Frogot abot this story lolwoops
I Became the Sacrificial Princess
Forgot what hapepend but too lazy to keep up with updates. I didnt feel as interested in the story either
My Darling Signed In
a guy who pretends to be a girl online and he got a rich simp bf. When he gets caught, he has to spend 3 months as a girlfriend I took a longer time than i expected to finish this. it was kinda hard to read in one sitting, but i still do love the characters and i empathized with the main couple a lot. The development was just very slow, but i wouldnt want it any other way.
The Admiral's Monster Wife
I fthink the wife was a siren or mermaid ir smth idk
When The Count’s Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married