Ex-Husband Wants To Marry Again
MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILER! Sprry for the artist, uploader and reader, but im done reading this one Chapter 54 - finally revenge begin Chapter 77 - is that how u wanna revenge? sorry but i cant handle the stupidity anymore, i thought theres gonna be a smart, briliant plan but by get urself pregnant by kidnapped and get on it with ur enemey just to have a baby to save ur child? yes its the faster way, i admit. but what about the baby? born just to save their brother and not out of love? i seen a lot where if the child sole exixtence are to provided others that child will (might) never be happy or received love that child will (might) be treated as provider instead as family, as human, as child sorry everyone but for me, its done, i give up reading.
Alpha survival guide