Houtou Musuko to Koi no Ana
This was so funny, couldn't stop laughing! The couple was also so adorable and wholesome aahh The seme is honest about his feelings in the best way possible Two things though: the story would've been way better if the characters weren't cousins and if sousuke wasn't a minor (why'd the author include that...it just...why?? do they have an incest kink or something? they could've just left it as childhood frineds)
My Purrfect Boss!
they're both so cute!! I'm so glad that the seme is confronting the situation so the uke knows he doesn't have to feel bad
Ai to Hanaji
OMG THEY WERE SO CUTE AND ADORABLE ESPECIALLY THE SECOND COUPLE <3 I could look at those babies smile all day
Oh! My Assistant Webtoon
This made me smile because they were so cute together! I'm glad the author included the realistic aspect of their relationship probably deteriorating which a lot of authors forget to do and completely ignore! I loved reading about the characters like they were my own babies growing up TT ^ TT
BL Motel
yayayayay I'm so glad the mcs don't make room for any kind of misunderstandings like cheating by confronting each other about it because sometimes authors do that just to create drama.
Midnight Rain (CTK)
THIS PUT THE BIGGEST SMILE ON MY FACE !! I really love the seme's loving puppy seme personality because it fits perfectly with the uke's tsundere personality. While I love love loved this story and the couple the moment at the diner where the seme got the uke to stay by bringing up his mental health was kind of off putting since it's a common manipulation tactic and it brought up bad memories for me...
Hitsuji ni Narasete itadakimasu
I really liked the concept, both their personalities (the dynamic), and the art ~
Otameshi Delivery Lover
the main couple is so cute and the seme's smile is the purest thing ever
The Good Teacher