A Returner's Magic Should Be Special
This is actually a pretty good story! I like the main character's personality and this isn't a rip-off of anything because it has its own charms. I'm not a fan of the art personally but I know others like it. However, it's not as good as solo-leveler because it's only surface level adventure (their goal is to become stronger, not much "mystery") which isn't a bad thing necessarily.
Myolmanghan Segyeeso On Gomsin
this is just a promo so there is only one chapter released. Idk when the actual story is going to be out but I wouldn't bet on it being soon
Solo Leveling
190 This is the god take of "apparently I'm the only one that experiences life like a game" while there are a ton of other rip-offs, this is basically the original. I can't believe everything I've ever wanted in a webtoon actually exists. This keeps you addicted because of how the mc continues to grow despite having the appeal of an overpowered character. I love how he continues to be challenged in his own way. The other characters are also helpful and acknowledge his power without feeling powerless themselves. He has his own goals, new worlds to discover, and I'm here for it.
Tower of God
This is BEYOND amazing. It's my all-time favorite manga with it's interesting, layered plot and beautiful artstyle. I'm always intrigued with what else they could possibly do to make the story better and SIU (the author) never disappoints. If you're a new reader and you're confused about all the hype, you should know that the art gets WAY better and the focus on Rachel is eventually taken off (since that seems to be annoying to some readers). Also, it will be confusing at first but trust me, once you continue reading, it'll make way more sense and you'll have no choice but to acknowledge how well thought-out of a story it is. If you have any questions, try talking to the fandom on webtoon or discord because I know they helped me figure out the connections a lot. People might end up dropping it because it seems boring (and I did too) but after *binging it* (highly recommend), I realized it was just because I had to wait a week in between each chapter so it felt like no progress was being made since I couldn't remember everything.
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint