Ch4 I was so happy when he had a supportive family and then I was like damn they just want money Ch17 kicked out of family Ch20 fan signing except it didnt go well Ch23 meet at hotel Ugh I can't wait for him to find out what actually happened to the uke Ch24 they gonna do it but this makes me so sad Ch41 uke faint from lack of food+ weird med+ devils tango maybe....will seme finally know the truth ugh Ch54 uke lose all money .... final learns not to trust.... seme confess love Ch65 uke brother signs a contract to help little brother so get into relationship + uke bank account money gone he has terrible luck with money Ch68 it's finally happening seme is about to find out the uke really doesn't have money anymore Ch69 seme know everything now Ch72 uke maybe tries to jump seme sees
I Am a Zombie