Tokyo Ghoul
Ch. 29 I'm Soo happy that everyone got what they deserves. This truly warmed heart. A shame this scene wasn't included in the anime. ^_________^ Ch.103 he well and truly went insane, didn't he?
This was way mellower than the comments made me expect. But then again I'm very well experienced in all things gore. Takes a lot to make me sick...
Solo Leveling
Ch.10 Ok NOW we're getting to the good stuff Ch.11 the game pulled a dick move by not telling him what the punishment was ಠ_ಠ Ch.13 virgin out, chad in! Ch.31 bish you didn't have to out him like that...(●__●) Ch.35 who the fuck are you? No who the fuck are you? I asked you first. I asked you second. (ㆁωㆁ) Ch.37 waddaya mean "seems to start for real." It's been real for a while for me bro (๑•﹏•) Ch.41 .... shit....oh boy.. Ch.45 OMAGAHD THIS WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING CHAPTER HAS BEEN AJKHFGUSTRVUTV- Also, he said it..(insert Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme) Ch.50 I really can't believe I hit the 50 chapter mark this fast. I've only started reading this today. I truly can't put this down for even a second. (;^ω^) Ch.51 I dare you to tell me that elf on the horse doesn't look like a white walker with hair Ch.52 mom come pick me up I'm scared ⊙﹏⊙ Ch.56 yeah evolution is a bitch, we really should've just stayed bacteria in the ocean. Would've been much less complicated for everybody ( ╹▽╹ ) Ch.60 Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Ch.64 no you won't ー_ー) Ch.72 dayum son, he on x-games mode Ch.75 *intensively wiggles eyebrows* Ch.78 FINALLY someone's got it Ch.81 can he be anymore badass?!! I mean probably yeah... Ch.83 ....yes, yes you did Ch.89 yaaay let's celebrate 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Ch.98 where's jinwoo when we need him? Hopefully he had a change of heart and is on his way.... hopefully ( ≧Д≦) Ch.103 bitch you thought (✷‿✷) Finished the light novel. Only reading this lightly from now on.
The Heart of Red Cloak
Ch.32 he realized he loved him ^_________^ Ch.38 my goodness.... Those bites.......oh God... (๑•﹏•)
King's Maker
Vol.1 Ch.22 these were the. Best visuals. EVERRR!!! Ch.24 my poor baby. Also, yes comfort your boy wolfgang. Don't let your bastard father hurt him (。ŏ﹏ŏ) Ch.30 NOOOOOOOOO THEO OH O GOD I LORD WTFH IS THIS BULLSHIT (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ Vol.2 Ch.38 THE SHEER SELFLESSNESS!! I'm in love with shin's devotion to his master (the King) Ch.39 ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.(ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻ Ch 48 ucking sys!! I feel you girl, but you gotta get out of here (◠‿◕)
Blood Bank