Restless Webtoon
3.5/5 -- really slice of life -- doesn't overdo the drama and doesn't need any unrealistically tragic backstories -- just a nice simple romance
Haga-kun wa Kamaretai
can't see this being anything other than dub-con?
Takane no Hana wa Chirasaretai
this is why i can't read this author's works. the characters might be pretty but the "love" is just lust. there was no build-up or feeling of romance -- renjaku's an asshole but he's right, the hana was just conveniently seducing him, never listens to his advice, and makes himself a public nuisance by going into heat everywhere. also how has he not been fired with the amount of times he's been pulled out of work? none of the characters have any consistency to their logic and it just feels unpleasant. the cover art was nice tho :/
Alpha ga Alpha wo Daku Houhou