Guidance of Paranoia
Triangle (FUUKI Mame)
Rio deserved to liiiiiive. The two guys were in love but pushed themselves away from each other so to hide their true feelings while Rio fell in love with one of them, making the unintentional mistake of enlarging the misunderstanding but she eventually caught on and tried to support them the best she could but she died in the end. BITTERSWEET! The guys got together but they lost a precious friend T^T
Ame nimo Mayuwanai
Guy likes his friend but the friend already has a girlfriend. Cornered when people asked him who was his crush, he said he liked the girlfriend. Instead of getting mad, the friend simply accepted it, and simply felt sad that he couldn't support the guy to pur sue his "love". Anyway, eventually the friend broke up with his gf and the guy tried to mediate between them (because the girl was still someone he "liked" as in he likes her as a person) and then BAM dramatic stuff happen.
Ordinary Men
Doctor x Nurse (but also highschool classmate/friends) so their relationship is more deep than only collegue.
Ani No Hanashi
Just a nice and realistic (?) story of a gay couple? The nice thing is that it's told by the little brother of the gay dude
Hey, Your Cat Ears are Showing