The Demon Lord wants to take Responsibility of Me!
Side 5 end, it ended?! But we don’t even know if he decided to become emperor or not lol I would love to see more. Kang Jiming had what was coming to him. He did all those evil things. Yes he was also a person in love but that doesn’t excuse him from his faults. Same thing goes for Ming Ling. At least both of their lives were put to good use. This story was chaotic all the way XD I’m so glad that there was so many bl couples in this one. Plus a straight couple. They all had such sad stories I’m glad they could be happy. Tho Kang Jiming’s lover never explained his disappearance =_= Also the way of heaven also didn’t explain nothing. What happened to the bad side of the way of heaven? Also Bei Xiao said that demon physiology is different. Does that mean that Yu Yin can have babies? >:3 I wanna see him if they can. Also wouldn’t Yu Yin need to have an heir to take over the throne? I wonder if the human’s ever gave up tryna make him the emperor. This story def left me wanting to know more so it’s pretty good at hooking u. I did know that a few things was gonna happen but I must say that I didn’t see MOST of that coming. Especially that Xiuyu’s curse got worse cuz he wasn’t the one that killed Kang Jiming ;-; not to mention all the plot events. Our main couple almost died so many times just let them be happy dayum XD I’m glad we got to see how the side couples turned out. To think that such a group of friends would end up w such differing endings. I’m satisfied :3 I’m off to read a fl cultivation manhwa now, bye~ <3
Under the Oak Tree
114 oml it was worth the wait! This is such a good story. Yeah I don’t think I’d be able to have a knight as a husband if they are gonna keep calling him out to war. It would hurt too much. Being away from him and worrying all the time. Too bad she can’t join in the war since she’s not strong enough yet, plus our husband is too overprotective. But when u gonna tell him about ur past? Will it have to be during a fight or smth ;-; Anyways I’ve been playing scenarios in my head of how it would go down. How has it been over 100 chs and the secret hasn’t been spilled yet ;-; ya killing me larry also why haven’t they confessed that they love each other? Ik they r alr married so it may not be necessary but like- they got married when feelings weren’t yet reciprocated sooooo~ but it seems like he often saw her when she was stuck in Croix castle, did he fall for her then? Was he not mad about being forced to marry her then? Or did he fall for her on their first night tgthr? Man when will they stop keeping secrets from each other and feel secure in their marriage? Anyways the smexy scenes are great and I wish they would show more lol they do be getting it on a lot. O also it seems like our Mc might be having difficulty conceiving? It might have something to do w the abuse she had been through cuz now her cycle seems to becoming normal. She should just ask her maidservant about it honestly. Hm also our hubby has such a short temper XD but he means no harm to her so I’m glad she got over her fear. I wonder if she’ll see her dad anytime soon 0.0 Oh Magic seems so hard to learn ;-; I’m good honestly. All that studying? Hell nah, I’d rather be a muggle XD lemme do cultivation instead, too bad they don’t have it here. They seem to have ever fantasy monster here tho 0.0 that kelpie would’ve got me too ngl ;-; Anyways her hubby will be fine…I hope…yea he’s op so he’ll be fine :3
My Second Husband Desperate and Depressed
101 second life? 113 dammit whyyyy I didn’t think I’d run out of chs alr. This is so good! I’m glad James found closure and our Mc found happiness w an unwanted baby on the way. I wonder how Ian is gonna take it. It looks like Romeo might be able to find a lil happiness in his relationship w the New Emperor (girl). I wanna see more of how she deals w the high society in Orsean. That Queen is out to get her cuz of mc’s inheritance that was originally gonna go to the throne. Wow it’s amazing how much happiness our Mc would’ve missed out on if she got married to James. James seems to like her but more like possessive and obsessive, rather than love. Cuz he wanted to keep her by his side even if she were to wither away and that’s not love, but he did continuously sacrifice his lifespan in a heartbeat in order to get her back every time she died (2 times, so this is his 3rd life). I kinda pity him but he could’ve treated her better while they were married. He didn’t even try to get to know her, he didn’t even know her real personality cuz of the abuse she went through cuz of his mothers (3 mothers), and he didn’t care enough to be interested in what she does, what she likes, etc. 1st time she died cuz of the enemies that James was killing in the war, got revenge on him by killing his wife. 2nd time was cuz his mother gave her a deadly flower that is lethal to some people. I hope she can finally live happily and I’m glad James got closure, too bad he only has 5 years left to live. Also I HATE the emperor. I thought he was a cool guy even if it was an act but he is paranoid that he’d even destroy his brother’s happiness to stabilize the throne when his brother (ml) had no intention of gaining the throne in the first place, but just telling the emperor that, wouldn’t be enough for him. I’m glad we r moving against this prick now. It seems like the new Emperor Startis is on our side about it. Man if need be, they could just move to Orsean- actually nvm that sounds like a new hell, it would be no different. I’m glad our Mc found her father, I wish they could spend more time tgthr and I’m glad she finally got to see her husband again. Dayum this is a good story. So many things happening at once makes it feel more realistic for some reason. Thinking about putting this in my favs~
In the Doghouse
35 mature, 41.5 dayum it’s over? I was enjoying it tho. I wonder what kind of conflicts are coming in season 2. I hope her family gets properly dealt with. They r hella annoying except for the kid, so cute~ i wish she’d just bring him into the palace and blow off the rest of her family. They r just planning to take advantage of her anyways. I wonder if they r ever gonna say things like “I love you” to each other or if that is conveyed through their BDSM. It might be a problem since she may see him as a man that’s only interesting in her because of sex. Mb that’ll be the next conflict. Her personality and his shamelessness makes this is hilarious this seriously needs a comedy tag. Looking forward to more~
The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years
63, 150 dang this is rlly good and im looking forward to what happens next. I should wait a long time for this one for more chapters! The Mc rn is 15, and I hope he falls for the reincarnation of his lover again in this life now that he has decided to not erase his emotions! Also him being able to find fragments of his power in this world is interesting, can’t wait till he gets it all back. He’ll be training in the demon realm for 4 years. I feel like that’s the perfect place for him to get stronger constantly. Why did they almost make the dad sacrifice himself and when u think about it, he didn’t have to take that extreme measure considering that Krion was outta attempts to rewind time but he didn’t know that so ;-; our Mc is just collecting people from around the world and making them his friends whi will help him w his battle against the 12 gods later, at this point XD pyro god seems like she’s fine honestly. And we haven’t even defeating the first god yet sadge. He needs another training montage even tho he is alr a 9th class magician and a swordmaster. Apparently he’s still nowhere as powerful as he was in his prime. Also ur 3rd artifact is an the sun god’s place! Go get it! Frontier actually looks hella cool, i support their cause. I had a feeling that they weren’t actually a terrorist group and was just misunderstood to hide their real motive. Wow a lot of his old servants r still alive and some reincarnated! Can’t wait till they all join up again, too bad the reincarnations can’t remember their past lives. Also there r two ancient gods that are still alive. They were locked away and in hiding after the 12 gods took over. Gaia (ancient god) may have played a role in his reincarnation. Genis (one of the 12 gods) is starting to get sus of his identity. I look forward to the rest of this story~ :3
The World’S Best Engineer
104 lmao bro’s a pervert but in a funny way, not like the perverted Mc in that one anime :// 178 omg this is o fucking hilarious! Also he’s not a pervert at all btw, he wants to experience love but his current face is the ugliest on earth compared to Javier who is by his side all the time. The faces he makes traumatizes enemies and his singing voice is able to make other people take damage just hearing it. This story is so interesting, he’s trying to stop the restoration of fate where all of the people he is close to, is meant to die. Mc or Javier has to die in order for the protagonist of the world to be decided and to stop the restoration of fate phenomenon. The parents alr know that isn’t their Llyod and I’m surprised that Llyod actually had a love interest and he’s slowing falling for her, she alr likes him. Bro how many different races is he gonna have join him? XD can’t wait till the queen gets him to fully fall for her. lol his retirement is further into the future than he thought. Llyod has rubbed off on Javier, he’s made the main character a scumbag ;-; and almost everybody in the county has part of his personality XD I rlly want to see how he intends to stop all the trouble. I rlly wanna know what the messenger is up to. Also whatever happened to that dark mage and the king of hell wanting to kill him? Pls don’t
Lock Me Up, Duke!
16 nah that was hilarious bro a fl that wants to be locked up? Say less! lol when I saw his haircut I said, “Fuck no, gimme his hair back ”. Due I hope there is magic or smth plssssss whyyy why u do this to me author? Aghhhhhhhh
Finding Camellia
Side 6 wow this was good! This gender bender was unexpected since I didn’t read the summary, if there is one. The story was wonderful and things were happening all at once. It rlly made me see how stressful her life got. The romance set in slower than I expected and I prob wouldn’t have been sure of who was the actual ml if it wasn’t for the first preview ch. When he called her his Clematis and I looked it up, meaning flower, I thought he was possessive so I thought that was gonna end up being the reason she runs away, but she never actually ran away yay! I was afraid she would so that she could live w her mother. Lmao I wish a ml would use the line “You took my purity and now u don’t want to take responsibility?! ;-;” it’d be hella hilarious, I think I’ve seen some ml act like they r protecting their purity and it’s always funny XD Yo this story was so good, I was kinda hoping it would suddenly turn into a bl XD Welp I enjoyed it while it lasted lol yea no Ian had no shot w our fl since she was alr crushing on Claude by the time they met. I thought Ian would become more of a problem since he was being a bit manipulative when he got desperate but I’m glad that all is well that ends well. Our fl was pretty coy at the beginning but she started gaining confidence near the end. I’m glad Claude was there to comfort her, I bet it rlly played a part in her not giving up and running away. Also I’m surprised Claude his her mother’s letters from her for a second time after they told eachother that they wouldn’t hide anything from eachother anymore. So I thought he purposefully placed the letter in his bookshelf and told her she could go through his bookshelf so that she’d find it, but I guess not lol the butler didn’t hide it properly. Also why do all these fl’s not realize they are pregnant? Like mb it’s cuz I have too much knowledge in this area cuz of all the romance manhwas im reading?? XD lol anyways I look forward to the side couple~
I Seduced the Sickly Male Lead
20 omg.this so interesting. Seems the ml is alr in love hehe 84 omg its like the story is just starting, there are still so many secrets goddammit. Dude the misunderstandings are numerous in this one. Dude just tell her the truth alr so yall could overcome obstacles and be together. I honestly don’t blame her for putting distance between herself and the ml, I prob would too. She’s alr been hurt once so she doesn’t want to get hurt a second time. This is why COMMUNICATION is so important. Yall just making it hard for yourselves and everyone around u. What’s it gonna take for him to spill the beans? Will she have to just figure it out herself now that she’s an investigator? Welp ig we’ll just wait and see. Imma wait a long time for this one cuz it pissed me the fuck off since there is no resolution in their relationship. Her relationship with the fl is so admirable! And I alr feel bad for Ephel, I wonder what makes the ml so dangerous? I also wonder what rlly happened in the og story. Also it saddens me to see that our ml is NOT CURED, he’s being taken advantage of and Antonio is using that to his advantage. He also said that they can only delay the progress of his illness ;-; so there is actually no cure. Mb our Mc can help w her great divine powers? I may read the next update just to see how he reacts to her being somewhere she isn’t supposed to be.
I'm Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead