1st story: Beast top x human bottom
A guy falls into a pond?? ad gets rescued by a beastman, who later becomes the guardian of that child. The child grows up and falls in love with him. So he tries to seduce him. Also beastmen put marks on their loved ones with their fangs and claws to show other people that their lover belong to them.
2nd story: Human top x beast bottom
The story of a senior and his junior, who comes to him for advice and sex.. Very cute.
3rd story: beast top x beast bottom
Childhood friends that arent' fully beasts nor fully humans. The snake beast sheds his skin and becomes more beautiful and starts releasing a lot of pheromones that attract other beasts, however he only wants the attention of his childhood friend that doesn't seem to react at all..
Extra: Human top x beast bottom
The snake doctor who is in a relationship with his assistant.
More than a Play Bite