Kyuuketsuki ha shinzo no yume wo miru
Hosik's story
I had read this a while ago, and because of the rape and everything I put this off… but something was telling me to push through and keep reading, and I’m glad I did. The sunbae was wrong for going about it the way he did, Hosik would’ve fallen for him eventually although it would’ve taken some time to coerce him. But, all in all, this is a well thought out and amazing story full of anxiety from both hosik and the sunbae. Hosik dealt with a lot, both in his past life and current but his love for his sunbae never changed. Of course he was hesitant in both lives, but he still fell in love with his sunbae. The sunbae’s own feelings of insecurity and guilt prevented him from behaving rationally when it came to Hosik, which when we get the context for their past lives we understand why but it is still horrible how he treated Hosik. In the end, what matters is how they are all extremely happy and have a great loving family. I’d definitely reread this for the millionth time happily.
Restless Webtoon