RooRoo's manga / #psychological(5)

Choco Strawberry Vanilla

Complete | psyche delico | 2000 released

Ceritanya twisted banget menurutku, tpi suka kwkw. Cerita tentang seorang sahabat yang punya pacar dan mau membagikan kasih sayang pacarnya ke sahbatnya. Intinya Twisted banget wkwk.

Caste Heaven

Complete | Ogawa Chise | 2014 released

Waiting for update Now ch: 30 Ceritanya punya konsep bagus, dengan bumbu psychological drama yaoi. This manga is great. Uke mantan pembuli x seme sadis mantan 'ajudan' pembuli. Overall recommended si, tpi ga cocok banget bagi yg ga suka crazy personality that the character have. Like, they're all crazy, man. The uke have some balls to go against the 'king' and get f up by the king who is a sadistic rich guy who doesn't know what sympathy is. Tapi... ceritanya bagus jdi gpp wkkwk. Update (ch.30): I hate all the characters... ALL OF THEM. Well except Azusa(the uke).... I F-ING HATE THEM ALL. It's looks like there's no character that are mature in personality wise... Anything will becomes clear if you F-ING COMMUNICATE.... There so much misunderstanding... the seme is a trash who like to dominate to the points where he always making the uke obey him... Please the uke already in a points where he has nothing and didn't have anyone to trust... He already broken... I hope in this manga the seme get so much karma in the future... Please be strong Azusa...

Radiation House

Ongoing | Yokomaku Tomohiro,Mori Taishi | 2000 released

Waiting for update Now ch: 48 Love it. Tema ttg kedokteran dari dulu udh jdi favoritku. Walau aku ga ngerti some medical words in there, aku ttp suka krn unik wkkw. Suka <3

My Little Inferno

Complete | ASADA Nemui | 2019 released

Cerita ttg uke yang malang ketemu dgn seme yg nyeremin. Dimana si seme bikin uke ketakutan, ngompol, 'throw up', dn nyolong duit uke. Wkkw Ceritanya menarik. Reaksi uke lmyn realistis pas ketemu org kek seme tiba2 gitu. Mksdny jarang2kn ada yg 'throw up' pas adegan s3x di yaoi. Yap the end, I rate this 8/10. Awalnya emang messed up bgt sih buat si uke. Tapi, dri ch 4 ke atas, ceritanya makin bagus dan imut. Interaksi dan sifat karakter terdefinisi dgn baik. Buat si seme, dia punya mantan yg trnyt sekongkolan dia hacking2an(tujuan mantannya itu bikin perang/nguasain dunia dgn kemampuan si seme). Si uke ini orgny polos tapi ga polos? Wkwk uke ini stright forward, clean type of person, lucu, dan ga menye2. Si seme suka sm si uke krn apa adanya dn ttp baik sm dy, walau tau dy udh jahatin si uke. This reminds me to stockholm syndrome wkwk, si uke jatuh hati sama si seme yg dh perkosa+porotin duitnya. Tpi they're still end up together. It's a "cute but not" story. I recommend this. Tpi, buat yang kuat lewatin ch 1 sama 2 ny wkwk

Sensei no Shiroi Uso

Complete | Torikai Akane | 2000 released

My comment is this manga potrayed a woman that has gone through sexual assaults by her bestfriend fiance. The assault keep going for years and she keeps blaming and hates herself because of it. And then she met her highschool student, a boy that is confused, didn't know the sexual world, and being forced to do things with a married woman. He himself firstly blamed the woman, but the fact that he keep doing things with the married woman makes him confused and also blamed himself. The two met, they talked. The teacher feel that her student have the same type of experience as her, and then she unload what she want to say all this time, about how she hates men and how she will not forgive him. Seeing his teacher cry while saying that makes him aroused. That scene itself makes him believe that he loves this teacher of his. The story itself is so deep, not covering only the romance alone. But the story giving how actually a victim of an sexual assault act after going through that hell. How they decide, how they cope, how the percieve things especially her body. It's a really one of the manga I've read that has a really complexity in them. And for this one, I like this.