RooRoo's manga / #Beautiful art(62)

Sensei, Kowai Hanashi Shimasenka?

Complete | Kirima Moccori | 2000 released

Ku suka komik ini cuma karena yang jadi Ukenya sexynya gak ketolongan. hehe Bakal baca komik ini lagi, cuman buat liat sexy uke nya doang wkwk

Houtou Musuko to Koi no Ana

Complete | Kyuugou | 2019 released

Pokoknya bagus wkwk. Yaoi yang berbobot dan diselingi komedi yang menggelitik perut. Seme yang punya atau tau batasan, menyayangi, mencintai sang uke. Intinya manga ini wholesome bgt <3

Ack! Its a Toy! Webtoon

Complete | Offcar | 2019 released

6,5/10 Bercerita ttg si uke jadi orang yang mengantar tas ke suatu alamat. Nah isi tasnya itu sex toy. Sampe ke alamat, trnyt yg punya alamat itu pernah sklh brg si uke. Ga sengaja si uke buka tasnya, sex toy keluar berhamburan. Dan si seme pun coba mainannya ke si uke. Terjadila ahemsyudahbiasalah. Dn trnyt emg si seme ibi punya bisnis sex toy wkwk. Ceritanya pendek, dibilang bagus gak terlalu. Yah mungkin aku bakal rate lbh tinggi lagi sih kalo ch bnyk. Agak kecewa aja wkwk.

Pleasure Principle

Complete | Rotten GreenT, Cereal | 2000 released

Waiting for Update Now ch: 15 Yaoi tentang sex toy... Yep ceritanya bagus, plotnya lumayan menarik. Seme nya is a smooth guy wkwk.

Choco Strawberry Vanilla

Complete | psyche delico | 2000 released

Ceritanya twisted banget menurutku, tpi suka kwkw. Cerita tentang seorang sahabat yang punya pacar dan mau membagikan kasih sayang pacarnya ke sahbatnya. Intinya Twisted banget wkwk.

Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo?

Complete | Scarlet Beriko | 2015 released

Bagus pake banget. Ceritanya ringan di otak, konflik tidak banyak, dn yg paling utama UKE nya seksi bgt. wkwk Ku suka ceritanya karena relationship antara uke sama seme ga toxic sama sekali. Second couple sm Third couple jg imut wkwk. pokoknya suka <3

Sayonara Alpha

Complete | ICHINASHI Kimi | 2016 released

Cerita tentang seorang omega yg ketemu sama matenya, tapi mateny itu msh anak kecil (alpha) wkwk. Ada unsur pedofil sedikit tpi syukurlah si omega tau batasan wkwk. Imut, lucu, adorable, ceritanya enak di proses dalam otak. Dan yg paling kusuka adalah chapter trakhir, dmn si seme udh dewasa. Beuh, sex scene yang di tunggu2 akhirnya di berikan oleh sang author wkwk.

Caste Heaven

Complete | Ogawa Chise | 2014 released

Waiting for update Now ch: 30 Ceritanya punya konsep bagus, dengan bumbu psychological drama yaoi. This manga is great. Uke mantan pembuli x seme sadis mantan 'ajudan' pembuli. Overall recommended si, tpi ga cocok banget bagi yg ga suka crazy personality that the character have. Like, they're all crazy, man. The uke have some balls to go against the 'king' and get f up by the king who is a sadistic rich guy who doesn't know what sympathy is. Tapi... ceritanya bagus jdi gpp wkkwk. Update (ch.30): I hate all the characters... ALL OF THEM. Well except Azusa(the uke).... I F-ING HATE THEM ALL. It's looks like there's no character that are mature in personality wise... Anything will becomes clear if you F-ING COMMUNICATE.... There so much misunderstanding... the seme is a trash who like to dominate to the points where he always making the uke obey him... Please the uke already in a points where he has nothing and didn't have anyone to trust... He already broken... I hope in this manga the seme get so much karma in the future... Please be strong Azusa...

Megumi and Tsugumi

Ongoing | Si Mitsuru | 2018 released

Waiting for update, if there is Cerita seputar omegaverse, dimana uke nya adalah omega yang penampilan tidak seperti omega yang seharusnya. Dan seme yang punya pandangan terbuka terhadap omega sehingga dia respect sama setiap omega. Ceritanya ini cute, adorable, and funny. I love it, di tambah sama heat yang datang irregularly? it's such a bonus for me lol. I love how omegaverse system have like heat in their system, and if they're go into heat, mrk bkl gila di kasur bro. Aku suka bgt yg kek gitu wkwk.

Lady Baby

Ongoing | JU Hyeon, Pingmin | 2000 released

Waiting for update Now ch: 86 (I read it in ig acc tho lol) Pokonya bagus. Aku suka banget theme kek gini, di tambah ceritanya yg well written gini. They have a smart ass female lead even tho she still a kid, like thats so cutee. The art on top of that was soooo beautiful like they're like sparkling each time i scrolling down to read the story. Good webtoon, hope this will update faster tho. I'm sorry for my selfish wish translator, ILY muah <3