Mauri to Ryuu
LOVED THIS! The dragon was so cute for a ferocious beast, the bird adorable and I really hope Kitsune gets to see Kio again.
U don't know me
Wow! I don't even know what to say! Every page was mind turning & thought provoking, with realistic characters who don't immediately follow the stereotype. The supporting characters were a major plus as well. They were as well thought out as the mains. And quietly supportive, I loved that.
Mendou Michauyo
Didn't read the first story. I read the second one and quite enjoyed it.
Udagawachou De Mattete Yo.
I really liked this. I wouldn't be surprised if yashiro did actually have a gender identity issue and momo is one of those guys that is just really nice and accepting of that. I think that momo is the type that if he was dating a girl and she told him that she used to be a guy but got surgery, he would be like 'Okay' and continue loving them just the same. I don't know if that's what was intended, I just feel that's plausible for momo's personality type.