Astraeus's manga / #Straight uke(1)

Oshiete, Ookami-san.

Complete | Nanoka | 2015 released
2022-02-25 13:30 marked

An uke who likes to fish guys, get them to fall in love with him, and reject them, and a seme who pretends to be pure and kind, but is actually a bit 腹黑 and very, very rich The story could have more emotions and show more of the ukes development, the plot is a bit lacking Ch 5 a man tries to hit on the clerk at a bakery, and successfully takes him home, but turns out he has a boyfriend,,,, and the boyfriend is- the baker Cute roleplay lol Ch 6 a guy often confesses to his childhood friend, who always replies with where to? One day he realises his friend actually thinks of him as his boyfriend Suuuuper cute