Astraeus's manga / #Scientist(2)

Tsumasaki Ni Kourozu

Complete | aoi aki | 2000 released

1-3) a student goes to a remote house to be an assistant for a professor who studies fungi and seems to be hard to work with, but he ends up having feelings for him. Super loving relationship <3 4) bystander pov 5) a guy who can see people's fish coming out when sleeping, but his friend who he has a crush on stole his fish. The art is super pretty and its such a sweet romance 7) a man returns to his grandfather's place to attend his funeral, and sees a young boy there, whos actually a kitsune All the stories are so pretty aaa


Complete | aoi aki | 2000 released

First is a man whose wife left him due to a sickness, leaving only something that turned into a man behind Second is a worker crushing on his senpai, being found out but not together yet Its all bittersweet but soft and alluring