Silver (fujita Kazuko)
Hana Yori Dango
This is the story which introduced me to the manga world. I probably re-read most of the chapters more than once. I thought that at some times, the plot was stuck in a loop endlessly repeating itself but I loved every part of it down to the last page. I wanted a spectacular ending and Rui to be happy (with Shizuka) but still this is a cult manga for me (perhaps it is one-of-a-kind manga because I doubt that there is or will be anything which is even remotely similar to it).
Bitter Trap (TAKAGI Shigeyoshi)
The mangaka was able to provide a somewhat meaningful story in the space of 40 pages or so, which is what I like about this one shot. I thought that when I read this manga's description that the plot can't be covered in a one shot but I was proven wrong.
Pump Up!