Juliet's manga / #josei(32)

The Villain's Savior

Complete | Myeong rang,Jaessun | 2000 released

This WAS SUCH A WONDERFUL STORY!!!!! I absolutely enjoyed it. I thought it was going to be a cliche MC goes into a story book and falls in love with the MC of the book, but this was totally different! The MC (Elzay) was absolutely in pain because of how horrible the story for the MC in the book (Aseph). (The MC’s name was different from “Elzay”, but I’ll use this name). When she was feeling this immense pain of the story and was wondering why she kept dreaming about the sorrowful Aseph and his story, turns out it was her life and Goddess Primetsa saved her many times when Elzay sacrificed her life to save Aseph from his dark future of torturing people in order to “survive”. The thing is, at the beginning of this story we weren’t aware that this was real, it felt like a she just jumped into a story book, but the goddess allowed her to live a peaceful life instead of sacrificing her life over and over. This is why she felt pain from reading the book. When Aseph saw Elzay for the first time, he thought since it looked like she had a crush on him, he could use her in order to get close to the family. That’s all he thought at that time, he had to survive (in order to do that, he thought he had to do cruel and unthinkable things). Elzay knew about all of it since she read the book, so she wanted to save him. She knew about the cruel things that he would’ve done and she pushed herself over and over in order for him to overcome his dark future. As the story progresses, she manages to make him fall in love with her and make him loose his urge to gain power and control to kill the people who caused him his terrible past. That’s the big change she was able to make. The story that she read changes. There is a thing called God’s Crest/ Seal of God, which is a symbol that appears on a pair’s body that is meant to show that u have a soulmate (destiny). So basically at first Elzay had it but Aseph didn’t, so they thought that Elzay has a soulmate somewhere (so Aseph was very mad). But they both agreed that they will love each other no matter what. Thing is the seal didn’t appear because of Goddess Primetsa. But at the end where he was supposed to sell his soul, he actually said no unlike his past self (the other lifes he had) and he actually dies, then The Goddess appears in front of him and sends him back because of the decision and hardships he had (also Elzay’s hardships as well). They both live happily ever after. Beautiful story! VERY BEAUTIFUL!! **Also the ppl who kept saying how weak and stupid the MC (Elzay) was for crying all the time, they r so dumb, if they actually understood the story, they would know why. She had sacrificed her life so many times in order for him to survive and make the right choice because of how much she loves him. She is so strong for that, but she is also extremely mentally tired (how could anyone is that situation not be). Having dreams of the one u love suffering and dying over and over, that’s horrendous! So they need to put themselves in that situation and see how they act. I’d they say that they could’ve done better, they are probably the ones who die in the third episode. A bunch of wimps.**


Complete | Studio sibo | 2000 released

THIS IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM ANYTHING IVE READ SO FAR!!!! The boyfriend (Kiwoong) “commits suicide” and it’s up to Bae Eunsoo to figure out what happened. As soon as he dies, she gets a call from her boyfriend’s best friend (Seokhyun) about it, but she immediately continues her ballet practice as if nothing happened. What Bae truly cares about at this point in time is her performance and what people think about her. When she does finally go home (which was late in the night) she is greeted with police, her Kiwoong’s family and his best friend about this incident that has occurred. She doesn’t believe it herself until she sees the body. Later that night Kiwoong’s Ex girlfriend, Nam Eunsoo barges in Bae’s home in order to look for a box (which was filled with “letters” *it actually was a journal to Bae to tell her about everything*) Bae didn’t know they existed because Nam was supposed to give it to her according to the will given by Kiwoong to her. Anyways we find out Kiwoong’s suicide wasn’t what is seemed. It was a coverup for something treacherous. Long story short, Nam Eunsoo wants to be in control of every situation (wants to be the top dog) and Seokhyun is hiding the fact that he has always had a crush on his best friend (Kiwoong), but because of how taboo Gay relationships are, he never confessed, so he decided to watch them through a camera that he installed in there house (he’s the landlord of the apartment btw, so he was in very close proximity). Both Nam Eunsoo and Seokhyun were twisted in their own way. Bae Eunsoo got pulled in the situation because of Kiwoong’s death. Anyways the story was wonderfully put together, but also tedious to finish. It seemed like me and others had a hard time finishing this story, not because it wasn’t good, because the beginning wasn’t as attention grabbing in order to keep us there (but we were curious, so we continued the struggle and finished it), when you reach to the nearing end, it gets incredibly interesting. Anyways at the end because of Nam Eunsoo’s power, she was able to put the blame of his death on Bae becauseeeee….. firstly forgot to mention Bae Eunsoo’s fault. She was one that was materialistic, selfish and wanted the world to look at her. She wanted to be important. This causes her to neglect Kiwoong at times because she focused herself on ballet more than him. Kiwoong also spoils her very much, which she enjoys cause she wants everyone to see how better off and lucky she is with all her expensive gifts and all that. This is the explanation of her personality and what she did as soon as she heard about his death. Later in the manga, it got more and a more difficult for her to accept it and because Nam Eunsoo is the one who started it, (sent her a gift as “Song” *his nickname*, when he was dead). This was her way of “taking care of Bae Eunsoo. Anyways knowing everyone’s personality, Kiwoong hunt himself right in front where the hidden cameras Seokhyun put one (therefore Seokhyun witnessed what happened). One thing led to another with everyone trying to cover the truth and making some elaborate plan to blame it on each other. In the end she managed to confess everything to one person who was looking out for her in the ballet industry (he also had a crush on her), Damon. So after hearing she faked that her boyfriend was still alive, receiving gifts from Nam Eunsoo as of it were “Song” and Seokhyun spying on them all the time. It was a surprise that Damon didn’t leave Bae (I guess love really does make you do stupid things), but ya. At the end, it was lovely, but I believe Bae didn’t truly deserve that wonderful ending. Tbh she did get kicked out of the ballet industry, so I guess it’s ok.

The Lady and Her Butler

Complete | JADE,Jade | 2017 released

This was one of the most realistic webtoons I’ve read in a while. The main couple have their own issues and has to resolve them together and work together. They do struggle because of heir past situations and their mentality before, but they learnt how to live and live together. The second couple which shouldn’t even be a couple! The boss and the designer who was Taesoo’s ex-girlfriend and the one who ruined Taesoo’s career. I believe they don’t belong together because of how terrible she was as a person and at the end when she finally “learnt” her mistakes the boss, Hwang was feeling sorry and even saw she was missing a finger. NOOO AND HE FELT BADDD AND WANTED TO LIKE HER AGAINNN. I feel horrible for him and I wish he just left her in the past and carried on with his life (even thought he tried). Sadly it didn’t work out… Garam is friends with Sooha and Taesoo (met at a convenience store) and he also has his struggles as well. There is a lot to talk about, but that’s all I wanna say. It was really nice and slow burn, also realistic. It was a good read, except for of course the horrible lady and sad Hwang

Lady & Maid

Complete | red peach | 2019 released
2022-09-20 08:42 marked

I’m now realizing this isn’t my thing

The Missing O

Complete | Face park | 2019 released

THIS WAS SOOO NICE!!! Three friendships and three relationships. Everyone had their story told and none of them had anything lacking. Everything was crystal clear and we had an extra couple story too. It was filled with realistic hardships, issues and all of that. So I’m pretty impressed by this :)

Summer Solstice Point

Complete | yuju | 2019 released

I love this. Idk if this is because I haven’t read mangas in a while, but this is being added to my favs. The cheaters were also relatable and there wasn’t any stupid reasons in this manga.