Deliverance of the Counterattack
Wahhhhh first 4 chapters are...!!! *chef's kiss* ***Wahhhhh chapter 60 was so precious!!!! TTwTT I love this so much!! ***Edit 2: Uploader, why would you lie, chapter 75 isn't up yet TTwTT I can't wait till Friday, goddamn it, Qu Cheng fucking knows already!!!!
Become Human
I'm reading this on Pocket Comics! It's adorable!
Because he's cute even if he's an idiot
The Prince And His Mischievous One
Read 19 chapters and I loooooooooove it!!! I'll come back to read the rest soon!!
Trace Of You
I'm pretty sure I read 9 or 10 chapters... I think... (I started reading it on Tapas though, and I even unlocked a chapter...) ***Awwwww now that I've read thte whole thing I want to buy it! It was soooooooo sweet!! <3<3<3
Who Can Define Popularity?
I'm stopping after chapter 13, but this is really funny and the art is really pretty (and hilarious!)
Robber x lover
This?? Sounds??? Adorable????????? Should read it soon!!!! ***EDIT: Read the first three chapters and omg this is so funny I love it!
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!