Cover Up
Whoah, this author really accomplished to make me feel bad for a spycho, I'm impressed. 10/10 would totally read again!!!
Walk on Water
ARGHHHHHH FUCK THIS SHIT, WHY DO I KEEP READING ONGOING STORIES? CHAPTER 56 ENDED SO WELL I CAME BACK AS SOON AS THEY UPDATED FEELING OPTIMISTIC!!! I SWEAR WAITING IS GOING TO KILL ME!!! (This is sooooooo cool though, I love it!) ***EDIT: hot dAMNNnnnnnnn I came here because there was a chapter called ep1 so I figured the main story had ended (which was true, and it was perfect, and glorious, and bittersweet and just so right I love this sooooo much), but ep1 ends just as the smut is starting :(((((((( hopefully ep2 will arrive soon <3 I can't wait! **** Ep2 was so... so... so beautiful... I'm crying... I don't want this to end ;-; ***So, all the gifted art is amazing. And... now... here come the tears...!!!! (TTwTT)
Wish Me Love
Read up till extra 9 -- in the 8th the smut seemed to be done, so I'll come back later to see if they finally went to buy a bed the next day...! ***I re-read it and ended up buying the whole thing on Tappytoon. It was worth it <3
Someone else's BL Manhwa
The God of Pain's Groom
I'm stopping after chapter 40 now that the drama has suddenly taken a whooooole new turn-- like now this is a teacher x student kind of story?? I mean, it's not the time to worry about an age-gap when the seme is 1521 years old, but... what is going on?????? Also, I love Heil. And he loves River. Damnnnnnnn I think I like him better than Khaoul!
Mr. 100% Perfect