Spirit Migration 01
I'd rate it higher but I don't feel much suspense since he became an adventurer in fact its felt a bit boring. I liked it better when he possessed cute animals and was in the dungeon. It just doesn't feel all that interesting to me anymore like the point of the story has gotten lost and they are just adding content with no goal in mind. though I guess his memories could be the goal. also this would be a harem manga if he was remotely interested in women and if all the women involved didn't have guys already. There's only a few that don't. but all the women like him.
Savanna Game: The Comic
I get the impression this game might have demonic origins though I'll be glad if I'm wrong. but really who plays a game to kill people in real life? I mean really I like games but I don't want to murder someone nor do I want to die for real in a game. Also the game seems to be impacting them psychologically and its not just the killing. its the items and the game itself maybe after all they now think stealing is okay and some think its okay to sexually harass or worse its like their morality is slowly going down the drain or put another way being influenced. hence why I think something demonic might be going on.
Royal Servant
somewhat vampirish though that's not noticeable at first. There are 2 couples in this story but both versions of the story are intermingled and apart of each other.
Kami-sama Darling
it'd be a harem manga if the main guy had love like feelings towards the other guys in the manga but so far he doesn't. but I'm nervous about that I'm not sure if it will stay that way. oh and the translation is confusing it makes the story harder to understand.
Rise Fron Ashes
doesn't seem like a wuxia world nor does the synopsis seem all that accurate. So far its a story about a girl who died and found herself as a ghost. She believes herself to be the only one of her kind and she is very lonely. She spends her days scaring mortals and keeping her house clean by possessing birds. But one day she runs into a strange contraption that calls itself a ghost just like her. but when she frees it she finds that it has a strange appearance and seeks to use her body for itself. What's in store for our ghost girl now?
Deep Bloody Night