This is a very interesting story though the cover currently confuses me. Unless the prince dyes his hair or something else happens he looks wrong and the regas looks wrong to he looks more handsome and less buff. The only thing I could think to make it right is if the prince grows up and the regas dies and the blond kid is his regas because I fill like current prince when grown up might look like the black haired guy on the cover but I'm not sure. Well also currently there's a big age difference to but I assume it'd be fine as long they wait the prince is currently eight and the regas 18 I think. Summary: Currently this is a story about a boy being trained to be a regas a dragons human calming source or significant other and about the prince who is the first in a long line of royalty to have a strong surge of dragon characteristics and power so much in fact he's considered a demon. When the two meet will he be able to tame the dragon boy or will the kingdom go up in flames? Also is there something far more sinister going on beneath the kingdoms beautiful exterior beneath the countless bodies of beautiful regas and diminishing power amongst the royalty?
When the Star Sleeps
Heartwenching story cry worthy story
Reemployment Life With An Unsociable Untalkative Magician
Cute and it's interesting Cool that she might end up with the older gentleman. And if this is truly josei there might be a sex scene but so far this gives of shoujo vibes.
Solo Farming In The Tower
I think some of it's logic is a stretch but otherwise it's a really interesting story that I don't want to put down. Also I think some things don't come across right like he isn't lost he never traveled anywhere he simply got brought directly to that hole. Which is why it's weird that later he blames the dragon and says it was her fault he fell in the hole. Either the author forgot something, a translation error or more likely there is a novel and they sped up the beginning or altered it and left some novel logic in or something. in my opinion it's more accurate to say he got stuck in the tower I don't know being lost when never moved just seems like a weird word choice. It's even weirder when he knows his exact location and isn't remotely lost he even knows the exit.
The Rogue Prince Is Secretly an Omega