Tags: gangster and psychological
Answer Me, My Prince
Potential spoilers: In my opinion Liam is obviously Archie he makes to many comments aimed at knowing things he shouldn't the most obvious being the 3 step comment he makes when he walks in her room. Now Flynn confuses me I feel like she looks younger than our main character and doesn't act clued in, in fact quite the opposite but she made a comment recently about a sequel to anne which makes me feel like she could be the main girl but if that's the case there's a lot of oddities. I originally thought flynn might be her mother but there was recently a give away by the person who drew the story that made the princess from the story and her knight out to be her mother, in the image after she's received his letters and cries at some point it shows her with short hair her back turned and she looks a whole lot like our main girls mother before she died. Honestly they've been hiding the mother's face for some reason there's obviously a reason I assumed it was because she was the princess from the story and I feel like that's being confirmed but....that leaves Flynn....why would our main girl not remember ever being in Archie's world? What happened to her dad? He wasn't in the main girls world. How did they get to our time? Was she taken to our world early on and the painting done later? But then why do they have long hair in the painting? I'm just not sure if things correlate for my theory to work. Not to mention if Flynn is our main girl how did she get to his time and why would she need to? Unless he returned to his own time and she tried to follow but ended up in the past??? Also I've wondered why they all look the same 3 time periods worth. The princess, her mom and her. The knight, Archie and then Liam. I almost wondered if they were the ones from the story and it's on repeat obviously that doesn't work. But the mystery has me boggled. I really like the story. Which reminds me Flynn originally made a comment when Archie called him Florian and said is that my name it's so pretty which is the comment that made me think she might be her mom because she heard the name and thought it was so pretty so she names her daughter a version of it. Flora. Even Archie comments on the coralation. Unless Flynn was acting. Also when she wears a dress for the first time she seems really awkward why?? If it's our main girl shes worn dresses before but...her mom might not have if she was raised a boy.....but then that leaves me confused on the princess in the story. They can't be the same person can they? Obviously that wouldn't work. One of the biggest oddities for me is that our main girl acts way more mature than Flynn and somehow looks older sometimes, on like one occasion I saw the main girl show a Flynn like smile but it was once but I guess that makes it possible. I just feel like they don't act the same though Archie disagrees he compares both of them to anne...though he compares Flynn to his sister and I doubt he would ever say our main girl is like his sister mostly because they have different personalities but... someone else I just remembered made the same reference to the princess verder did he said she was like Cecil if I remember correctly he said she hid it most days. Sooo what's that mean??? Hmmm. Now I'm even more lost. Is it possible for Flynn to be the princess and her mom? Or is maybe Flynn just a very good actor? She doesn't pull of being a guy though? I say she would have to be a good actor because she doesn't act like she knows anything about the things he written she knows so much but she always acts clueless or shocked she doesn't act like she read about this already but I guess it's possible experiencing it's another thing all together but what about Archie does that mean he's a bad actor? Or a good one? He gives things away but hmm maybe want it's really showing is just how clueless she really is he never hides anything but the how and why. She even thinks their similar but it never occurs to her their the same person. But really Flynn doesn't act like Cordelia. But I have wondered if maybe she's just overly excited about seeing the novel and that's why her facial expressions are so different from Cordelia. Something else I just remembered they hide the knights face how come? Maybe because he looks like Archie? And that would be what made me wonder if this is a repeat romance or something. Archie is obviously Liam so why hide the knights face? ....but wait if the knight looks like Archie doesn't that make the knight related to the princess? I don't remember Archie and her connection the story at the time was written in away that confused me but I'm thinking maybe cousins or she's his aunt or something. But related right? But wasn't the knight from another country or am I remembering that wrong? Why would they look similar and why am I only wondering that now?
Don't Touch Me (Leenong)
.......what do they mean the end that feels so incomplete? Not only did they just get together we don't even know if their going to be ok and what exactly is the smoke? Why does he have so much of it. I remember the main guy saying he felt heavy our guy wasn't on him so did he absorb the smoke? Is it really over? But they made it seem like his child hood friend might confess or something might happen there and if not what about a side story about him and his best friend I feel like his friend likes him. I'd give this five stars if the ending wasn't so abrupt.
My Dear Agent
This is essentially very close to shounen ai mostly because I think you see the tip once and then everything else is really hard to make out like there purposely hiding things like they would in shounen ai but you do see a blurred out penis but then they hide it or make it hard to see so that's why I say this is more akin to shounen ai. I like the story it feels sweet to me.
I Ship My Rival x Me