Some things confuse me about this story I can't help but feel like there was more going on behind the scenes than we were told and seriously why do all the villains get redeemed that confuses and upsets me. I don't get why the main guy didn't try to kill the villain and had sympathy for him the guy just probably raped him and he also tried to kill his lover in front of him and had his lover kill his past lover and he knows he played a part in getting his boss killed. This guy has done nothing to make are main guy like him he reminded our guy of his boss but seriously he had no reason to care the only possible reason would be our other main guy loving him in the past. Not to mention why does he always respond to his advances? Like when he's kissed why not bite his tongue? Or try to bounce him off instead he back talks while sitting and enjoying. It confuses me. It's also not the first time he responded it's just I've seen him respond to others in a very negative way to advances and he's pretty vicious to the teacher in the beginning even when restrained. So why does he always seem to have a soft spot for this bad guy when he was only doing it because he was told to? Was it the brainwashing?
Don't even get me started on that one the fact they show the bird on his bosses death bed saying never more then goodbye boss leaves me with the sneaking suspicion our guy blocked it out. Plus there's the part where when asked if there was in any other video on the bad guys computer he paused for a bit then asks him if he wants to escape. Did he block something was there a video of him killing his boss perhaps? Though the end makes you think otherwise but I wonder.
Something else I'm suspicious about is Samuel and the bad guys relationship. Mostly for timeframe reasons. Either he was hoping for a threesome or he may have never cared about Samuel in the first place though his mind said otherwise. Well he basically said he fell for our main guy when he saved his boss but we know that event happened while he was with Samuel and then he goes cold on Samuel so that's probably because he met James but also because our guy started to want to go bad though it doesn't coincide with the villains mind.
Now another question why did he make James forget Samuel? And why was the bosses project also called nevermore and he also said the project was for James if I remember correctly? That seems odd he then has the bird say nevermore before getting killed which is from a poem that came from angel so also why is the villains project named that? Was his boss trying to hint to him about something? Though apparently the poem is just about being by the side of a lover before they die sooo is he implying he felt that way??
I also didn't get why the author thought that no one needed to know the truth and decided ignorance is bliss after all. So the main guys left in the dark as were Marcus and licht.
I also don't get how dio plans on being a cop when he's involved with a criminal leader. I just don't get why all the villains get to be happy in the end. (not including dio and his guy I'm just ranting).
One last thing that confuses me is why didn't he keep brainwashing them? And why didn't they stay susceptible like everyone else? They took it less? Or did he drug Samuel more than is let on along with the main guy? Is there an entire story we don't know about these guys maybe they got together and that's why he altered there memories and caused him to forget Samuel though I suppose it could have been a by product of forgetting what happened to his boss but then why did he not forget anyone else? Maybe did he make him forget him so he wouldn't get close to her death? He was probably brainwashed to not ask questions but why erase his memories of Samuel not like he didn't find out quickly he was related based on eye color. It just seems unlikely that's the reason. He must have cared about Samuel in someway right or wouldn't he have killed him sooner since he knew they were getting involved? Unless it was just to use him to keep James close though that seems counter productive though this guy is pretty slow when it comes to relationships since he thought our guy wouldn't leave him when he had him kill his sister. Well unless that was just to get him to leave so he could be with James??? Honestly I'm uncertain.
Another question why was his relationship with Samuel built all on lies? Was he never in love merely using him was that just from the beginning? Why was he cut off from him forever? If it's because he found out you had him kill his sister why then did he not think he'd be cut off forever when James was shown he helped kill his boss? Maybe because James didn't make a definite decision about him and say it to his face until he did?? Well I guess that makes sense somewhat.
Honestly I liked the story but I gave it a lower rating because things are confusing I can't help but feel like ther s more going on and because everyone gets redeemed and highly because two sets of people were left in ignorance even though the point of this story was originally about finding out the truth. That just bothers me.
Hey wait I just realized Samuel had to have been made to forget James to because why the would he have to say Samantha is his sister? He would have known James knew her.... I'll have to read again later and see if Samuel says that in a way that works otherwise he was made to forget to and seriously how would that work timewise.....??? Getting brainwashed after he came back? That's another thing how come he also responded to his kisses and why play along with his game if you know he caused you to kill your sister I would have been more vicious. Well unless he didn't remember which would imply he was brainwashed after but...the previous drug thing was supposedly to make him forget what his sister told him and not to make him forget James. Anyways confusing.