Plot: A meeting between a nameless marble artist and a desire-obsessed sponsor! Ian, born with an innate gift for painting but abandoned by his parents because of poverty. He is sold to a painter and raised in captivity by painting his paintings instead. One day, Raymond, an emerging merchant who came to ask for a portrait, happened to find out that the real painter was Ian, and he was there. Ian also paints a portrait of Raymond and feels an unknown feeling to him.... -
This is very slow paced but needed! The development of the story is there and the development of feelings. Chapter 35
I- no words. The incest between father and son, the poor kid has no clue his is being molested and assaulted. Then was sent off to the military where he is gang raped and assaulted nearly every day. But of course the author writes that he likes it….
A Painter Behind the Curtain