Friend Line
UGH YES, I love the friends to lovers trope MWAHAHAHAHA! Miyamori and Fukami are coworkers, when Fukami discovers that his good friend and colleague is being beaten by his boyfriend, as Miya also confesses that he is gay. After a night of drinking, Miya and Fukami come across Eiji, who moves to beat his boyfriend until Fukami steps in and protects him, YEEEEES, disapproving of Miya living with such a jerk and offers him to live with him and be treated the right way. Living together makes them feel happy, having someone waiting for them at home with a home-cooked meal and fun nights, they both fall in love. Fukami worries when he thinks Miya would return to his ex when he enjoys being with him, and confesses first that he wants to date. Miya gets the courage to leave his ex-boyfriend, but wants to stay friends in fear that his relationship with Fukami would end badly and distances himself. But Fukami gets injured and tells Miya to tell the truth, and "don't run away", they kiss and live happily ever after! The sex is so intimate and loving, like a couple finally connecting as one after Fumaki heals, UGH BLUSHING.
Sono Kao Mitara, Gaman wa Dekinai
AHHH PLEASE UPDATE!!! This is so sexy, coworkers Yuki and Chiaki are both handsome and beautiful men, where Yuki doesn’t care about his looks and is stoic and cold towards the people in his office. On the other hand, Chiaki wakes up to pamper himself, takes beauty supplements, exercises and works hard to be kind at work to maintain his attractiveness. They find themselves kissing and Chiaki realizes he doesn’t hate Yuki, but rather they have mutual admiration! Chiaki teaches Yuki that his looks can be a tool and he can express himself kindly and respectfully to make friends and be more open to his coworkers!! All the while, they stop in bathrooms and meeting rooms, the first actual SEX SCENE WAS SOOOO HOT, like the grinding and helpless moans for Yuki from Chiaki-senpai. And a PRAISE KINK, OOF, Chiaki finds himself feeling jealous when he sees other people witnessing Yuki’s beautiful smile tho, please continue!! I need to read the rest!!
Romantic Pornography
Two dudes get dumped, one for being too addicted to sex and one for being too kind, so they decide to have a fun relationship together! Enjoying the sex, but they realize they love each other and can be what they both need!! But the uke is so dang loud during sex LMAO, even got the seme looking all confused and embarrassed for the neighbors! AHAHAHA!
Hajimari Wa Naka Kara
UGGGGH, I am so conflicted about this ahahaha, Woohyun is kinda trashy for cheating on his beautiful, hardworking boss and sexy-gifted Seok-il boyfriend of 6 years when he reencounters his ex from high school, who one day left without a word due to family issues and abruptly ended their passionate love. It hurts, seeing how much Woohyun loves Seok-il and feels so at home in his arms and loves moments with him. Should he even forgive him?! But my heart hurts for Minhyuk, his ex, who loved him first and wishes they could've gone back in time and truly loved one another, would things be different? WAAAH, MY HEART, he just left Seok-il so easily and isn't sure what he should do, BUT DAYUM WOOHYUN IS SURROUNDED BOTH BOTH AMAZINGLY HOT AND SEXY MEN who perform so well during sex, the scenes look sooo hot ahaha, what should he do??
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa!
Cute story between two CG animators! Yanase is a talented senpai, and Kaneda has always admired him and finally gets to work with him! They get to work on a cool piece together and develop feelings, until Yanase has to move to Canada for a year, but Kaneda declares he'll work hard and ends up following him over there for work and sweet sexy love!
Kore de Saigo no Koi ni shitai
Multiple stories! I loved the first story, with Ibuki always failing at love by falling for married guys who comes across a younger coworker who likes him. Although not normally his type, Ibuki sleeps with hot, sexy Touma and experiences a PLEASURABLE night with a passionate seme! They agree to date for fun at first, and develop feelings of love and hope to be with each other forever. Ibuki almost gets hurt thinking Touma had a wife, but it was actually Touma’s TWIN! Their sex was EXQUISITE, I love dark-haired pretty ukes! Looking forward to the next story!
Oku made Furetemo Ii desu ka