Oof they were lw toxic at first. Both obsessive. Now that they’ll actually be together I wanna see how much their obsessiveness will escalate…sounds wild. So youtaoru was the older brother huh. Not only that but they were twins!! Did I miss that in the (pre)sequel??? Idk I wanna know why he wrote each words. Did they have any meaning or were they just random? Can he draw or is he only good at calligraphy. Wild of him to tattoo his own name on someone especially without their consent and while they’re unconscious. I wanna know forsure why Yoo didn’t like his appearance. Is it because it reminds him that that they’re bros or. Wait nvm it was because it reminded him of his dad and he didn’t wanna be anything like him. But in the extra we’re shown that the dad was abused physically and he did the whole box thing so he’d protect his child from accidentally hitting him too while mad. Went about it wrong but ig the sentiment was there… NOT dude literally traumatized both of his kids accidentally but still. 3.9 STARS
Tattooed Love