Mmm still on the fence about Souma. Dude really had break down and was still somehow forgive easily after that whole ordeal. Like yea ig forgive him but why so easily and they didn’t even reprimand him all that much :/. I’m glad this didn’t turn into a thruple (I was probably rooting for that when I first read it). Souma was way to harsh on Kanade and even admitted to looking down on him the whole time during their friendship (as in Kanade can’t do anything without him). I mean deep down I didn’t kind of want Yuuji to be like fuck it we’ll include you in this Souma but I’m also glad he stood his ground on only like Kanade. Since Souma showed all types of toxicity/possessiveness when he found out he probably would’ve eventually pushed Kanade out somehow considering he even stooped as low as harming him physically (attempt rape). And no I doubt he would’ve caught feeling for Kanade if they were a thruple because all this time since middle school (maybe even before that) he knew Kanade liked him and he didnt fall in love with him even a little so yes I very much doubt he would once they all got poly. Yuuji actually admitting that he’d choose Kanade over the friendship was cool because it shows that he’s not the type to let others, even if they’re close to him, trample all over his partners and somehow excuse that persons actions. So kudos to Yuuji for that ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Tada Massugu ni Kimi o Omou