Mother's Spirit
This story was so gooddddd. Literally the cutest. All the island ppl were hot. And the way the story developed was pretty good tooo. Volume two had a few scenes bounced around thoe but ig I was able to tell present from “future” and past
Kuchi no Naka no Shita
Yep it’s pretty good. I actually like the art. It was a bit awk when I first saw it but I’m into it now. Kekeke sheesh an erogenous zone on the roof on the tongue. Seriously how didnt Eric realize it before? I thought he sucked dick before since he was so assertive with Luke. Seems like Luke is really into Asian ppl since he has some of the stereotypes down and even said his family would be ecstatic if he took on a Japanese last name. Yep yep loving the communication skills too. Except for ch 5 towards the middle. But the talked about it in the end so it’s all good.
Raion Gotoki no Kuni Kara
Ahh this was good. The mf size difference is just wow (and I don’t just mean dick size XD. Height too) also kekekek when they were talking about the circumcision. But I wanna know if they were forsure exclusive since Luca mentions being poly and never cleared up whether he was exclusive to makoto or not... he did kinda show signs but I can’t just jump to conclusions ya know. Also poor makoto when getting jealous. I wish we’d seen Luca more jealous (only once and for half a panel) which doesn’t make me feel any better about exclusivity. I wouldn’t mind the poly for them but mako seems like he wouldn’t be able to deal so that’s why I want confirmation... d’aw and makoto followed Luca back to the savanna. Also when aya kicked makoto I wish Luca had been less calm about it /: like bro your lover was just kicked to the ground... yea he rejected her a few min before but still no need to pity someone who’s harming your SO... jeez and makoto’s right. Sorry Luca but you are a playboy huh. He never tried to say no when makoto told him he was. Wonder how it’s gonna go for makoto once he moves to Luca’s hometown... plus the fact that it’s illegal to like the same sex makes me scared for them
Gyangu no Kai-kata
Yea wasnt too bad. Clyde sure did learn about stocks and internet pretty quickly. Some panels Clyde was yummm others he was a lil less because of how big his hair looked. Def wish we would have seen clydes POV when he first saw Yuu and what made him want to go up to Yuu to ask him to let him into his room. Also whew Yuu you really let a time traveling man into your house huh. I mean it was more than likely that it was because a gun was pointed at him XD. Idk how he was able to sleep with him residing in the living room though. I’m glad Clyde ended up wanting to stay with him and didn’t end up disappearing. Was he dissolving like that because he was slowly going back to his world? Or would he have just vanished into thin air because the universe was trying to take something that didn’t belong out? (Basically dying) also kekeke at the coworking finding out what Yuu really meant by “dog” yum at the bites btw. Could’ve been a 5 but something was missing. Also almost forgot but what the heck man. Clyde was leaving the apartment never to return? Was it because yuu said he was used living a normal quiet life and Clyde didn’t wanna bother him anymore…? Better have just been that
The Baker on the First Floor