Hana to Junketsu
Alright alright it’s been a while since ive heard vampire related things. Didn’t really disappoint. The way yayoi confesses to chitose and the way chitose reacts is pretty disappointing thoe. Chitose was hella nonchalant and once he left yayoi started crying . Also I feel like chitose maybe gota bit interested in yayoi after yayoi talked to him cause chitose could’ve gotten any other female to feast upon but ended up just going for yayoi. Unless you know, it’s very possible, chitose was too lazy to go look for someone else . Either way mang I was there was more jealous involved here especially on Chitose’s side. Oh yea halfway through another story was presented for like two chapters about an alley cats point of view and how he had a big ego and went with the royal we. He got picked up by someone and stayed for a while and saw that the relationship between the man who picked him up and his lover wasn’t a very good one because the man was basically a secret and the lover actually had an arranged set up. The cat ran away after the lover left and his “savior” started crying. After the lover looked and found the cat to take him back. Told the man he rejected the marriage and would tell his family everything. In the end they all stayed together. Yea I’ll be honest. I lw teared up
Mother's Spirit