Wildddd man there’s so much I want to say but just thinking about it makes me lazy. All I know for sure is that both Yul and Sian need therapy. Sian seems to have incorporated some of Yul’s jealous tendencies into her personality (?) like when she explain to Yujin how jealous she was of certain things I was like YIKESSS it sounded very possessive and the way she just strung “Yuri” along because she didn’t want Yujin to have her. No good man. It’s never nice to mess with someone else’s feelings she realized she was a hypocrite too (from when she called out Yujin and his tendency to play with woman). Like man if Yuri had been real she (Sian) could’ve broken her too by playing with her feelings like that. Idk it just doesn’t seem right that Sian was seen as the only victim when she was also at fault for things. Also Yul’s parents suck. Yes his mom too. Instead of protecting her son from the dad she’d only be like “on no don’t say that to him” like reprimanding instead of actually getting mad. If he had received help/back up or hell even love from his family he wouldn’t have clung on to Sian so hard. He just wanted someone to accept him and he ended up getting it and lost it without any actual given reason (Sian should’ve been straight with him). Idk how to feel about Yujin. He seems cool ig idk if it was ok for them to end up together but it’s fine i would probably be more positive if I saw them interact more before going full blast lovey dovey. Yeesh yea irk thsi was real good. Yul’s situation had me in tears. Wish he gets a good happy life. And yes help too
Secret Alliance