Onegai Sonnnani Kamanaide
Dude was basically raped in the beginning even if it was just a hand job and was ig consented afterwards… also bruhh when he got jealous jealous of moto and straight up forced himself on him and was rough asf. I liked the biting thoe and I’m glad yanagi was actually ok with biting and said whenever he really wasn’t. I wanted the sis to reject igarashi at first would’ve been great to make more chapters out of that… wanted to see more of their relationship after becoming official. Will igarashi actually be more gentle to yanagi? How will he handle Moto and others getting close/touchy to yanagi now? I was also curious about how igarashi was with his Pat partners. Was he loyal? Is the only reason they broke up with him because of his biting kink? Yep that’s why 4 stars. Oh but I really loved Igarashi’s mouth (*^ω^*)
Pavlov's Lover
Not too shabby but didn’t like that the art wasn’t too consistent aka the bites disappearing here and there. Also wanted to see when Aki truly started having feeling for Eiji and didn’t just see him as someone fulfilling his desires. Also wanted to see how they were after getting in the relationship. Shioji (I forgot if I truly goes there or if shioni) really out here taking advantage of Eiji’s love for meat and not paying him /: and the fact that his bf is semi ok with it ?!? Excuse me but whaattt. Loved the fixation on bites and the focus on the mouth/teeth after Eiji was going in for the “kill”
Kizudarake no Hakoniwa