The Baker on the First Floor
This was fun to read, I’m glad that they showed the endings for all the different side characters too, that was perfect. Main story was hot and exciting and full of intrigue.
He + He
Interesting tale, I little difficult to understand due to translation and such but you can piece it together and enjoy it nonetheless as they are trying their best and I am happy to read it no matter what.
Tabun Sore ga Love Nanjanakarou ka
This is such a good story?!?! Like it’s his childhood friend but also an amazingly insatiable bitch that can’t be touched by feelings! Buuut he seems to love it when keita is watching him even more than anything else which I find very cute!
Saha (Lee Uin)
What. On earth? Happens! In this?! Like it’s the perfect story, great pacing, great characters then like 20 chapters to the end it’s like 3/4 of the plot is gouged out and everyone has gone to weirdo land. No idea how that ended but what a trip.
Love Me Dramatically