Private Lessons
Just where do they find the time for all this erotic stuff when they are both at school?! Blows my mind. I kinda want the teacher to top them both, wouldn’t that be sexy?!
Choukyou Kakusei BL
This was very hot, I loved all the little s&my stories, fave was the rope play boys at the end but all of them were excellent. Second to last even had the seme stop when the uke asked him too which is incredible.
Hit on By a Kinky Guy
I keep on reading this but at what cost? So depressing to know that they will just end up being happy together when everything up till now is just wildly nonconsential
Body Complex
Really liked this one. Consent was one of the prevailing themes and you could understand the characters and their motives really well. Could have been called rushed, but really I think it’s my desire for more of their story. Like twist the knife and make it hurt more so the end is sweeter. And I would have loved at least thirty more chapters of just them becoming friends as those bits we saw were so funny and enjoyable... but of course the drama has to come eventually,
Knock on Wood