The Third Ending
Eh, kinda weird... I think I do wrote something on this story's comment but where are they? gone? Omg? Teringgin nk baca season2 but I don't think I'm ready yet, nk hadap semua scene tu dgn hati yg berdendam. Never. I still can't get over what he did in the past. Even though your hair is.... Brown... orange... Well I call it "susu" or some sort but aku hairan? How's that pink? Yow? NO! JANGAN TERMAKAN TAMAK HALOBA YA SI PEMBACA. YOU MUST RESIST! aku x benci dia but I don't like what he did oh god, imagine him beside our ml is torture. You get what I mean. Season 2 pun dh tamat. Bila hg nk start baca?
I'm sorry I couldn't keep you!
Omg this is bad, this is bad for my heart. Fuck why... I love this story so much, plus the characters. Hehe it's been so long since I last heard an "oikawa" lol. I love that "oikawa" so I don't know how to feel about this "oikawa". He looks like a decent guy, idk? No twist, just grudge. This is why there's a saying 'love is blind' wtf hg salah org, buat malu. Oikawa is the seme while yg jahat tu shioya babe
The Two Lions
that (not even close) confession is so damn cool.
Shirayukihime ni Kuchizuke
Thank you baby, I owe it all to you. Make him happy, alright.
Imitation Mate