hellahana's manga / #Strong male lead(83)

The Return of the 8th Class Magician

Ongoing | Ryu Song | 2019 released

My comment lol Ch 5 I hate how they asked a little boy for help, sure he's a first class magician but he's never face any battle before. (Yes, we know but those people don't) What if he died, he doesn't have any battle experience. They basically waste his talent. Putting him through the frontier. Plus he should get proper education first. Just like a cadet.... Ch9 Douglas is so cuteee (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Is Ian getting a new daddy lol Ch27 HAHAHAHAHHAHA OH MY GOD LEDIOU OR DOUGLAS'S DAD AYOOOO JUST GO FOR HER! YOU MIGHT MISS THIS CHANCE LOLOL "I have another son" yep, go for it. Ian has grown to be such a cutie. Crown prince still looks the same lol. Mama Ian looking gorgeous as always. Douglas is too funny. The four of them looks so nice together. Let's move forward and be happy. Ch29 Kailan Pierre... HWAT A HOT PERSON Ch33 HOW DARE THOSE IVORY TOWER FUCKERS USE THE FAMILY CARD!!! IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT THAT FUCKING 5TH BASTARD, JUST DO IT YOURSELF. YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTROL IAN?!?! WHAT A SILLY, YOU SIMPLY DON'T! ISTG STFU JUST DROP DEAD ALREADY Sincerely, FUCK YOU IVORY TOWER. I FUCKING HATE YOU TOWER HEAD AND YOU THE 5TH FUCKER. MATILAH BODO, BABI LAGI KEBABIAN. SIAL BODOH, GERAM AKU. KEPALA BAPAK KAU PERGI MAMPUS. SETAN JAHANAM ORG JAHIL CAM GINI PATUT MAMPUS DARI AWAL. ...blame my period for this anyway MUKA MACAM SETAN, DUA EKOR TU MAI SINI AKU SUMBAT BELACAN KAW II MACAM DH KEBULUR KAU MEMANG BANGSAT, BANGANG, BONGGOK, BENGGONG, BENGAP MACAM ANAK SETAN ok I need to stop wth... Ch35 Kyaaaaaaaa Ian you're so cool ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Ch46 I'm a bit shocked.... Crown prince doesn't know how to wield a sword bro doesn't know politics nor the way to defend himself. He's bound to doom from the start- yep that's what happened. It's all thanks to Ian, bruh you live this far Ch48 Damn that 5th guy pull the "I ain't your fav child" card. Ngl I pity him but the path you choose is ain't it. Bro you kill people, you're greedy asf. What happened to you is valid point... I mean how your villain arc start... Oh my god, fuck you Ragnar. Stop making me feel guilty. The author has decided that you're this story antagonist... Suddenly I'm blind Ch49 Hmm wow?? I'm speechless. He can't break his oath of loyalty damn (thus commiting treason lol). What an integrity person. Ch52 That was too easy he might fall in love with me too if that was the case. Bruh imma falls with grace onto your arms. ...I'm in denial. Is that how people fall in love?! I know this dynamic so well but I just don't understand. Alright babe you do you 5th prince which means they have more than 5 siblings. ... where's others? Dead? I only see those three. 5th prince, crown prince and the princess I think Ian and 5th prince is similar in age The last dragonian... If evil why hot... This also apply to Ragnar (btw fuck you cutely ^^) I think if Ragnar is the mc here, people- I meant me, would shower him praises and justifying his reasoning oh the irony I'm jealous of the princess Ch61 SIR PAUL YOU CAN'T LEFT US HANGING HERE BRO DON'T DO THIS. YOU'RE INNOCENT ASF. YOU DON'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS. SO LOYAL Ch70 I thought the first magician and the one that found the country is the same person?!?! They aren't apparently. Eh no, they're the same person. The golden dragon gave some of his power to the ruler thus becoming the first magician. I'm just confused lol by the sudden new character Ayo wtf IAN HAS DRAGON BLOOD IN HIS BODY WTF THE PLOT TWIST. THIS IS TOO SHOCKING WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL. HIS FATHER IS CENTURY OLD OMG IM SORRY FOR SHIPPING DOUGLAS DAD AND YOUR MOMMY TOGETHER. THE FATHER IS STILL IN THE PRESENT. WTF DADDY WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? SO THAT'S WHY.... IAN IS WELL THE GREATEST MAGICIAN EVER. HIS HIGH RECORD IS 8TH CLASS WTF. MOMMY YOUR EX-HUSBAND IS A FUCKING DRAGON. MOMMY YOU BE WINNING IN LIFE. IT'S CURRENTLY 1AM IN THE MORNING AND SEEMS LIKE IM STILL IN SHOCKED. SURPRISED SURPRISED. DADDY PLS I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND EHY. NO IDGAF ABOUT YOU. LET'S TALK ABOUT IAN, DRAGON IS KNOWN FOR THEIR NOBILITY. HMMM WTF WHAT IN THE PLOT TWIST Ch73 It was Douglas all along but it's okay since he's cute in this new timeline. And I lost it when the 5th cry... Oh my god, he kill his friend while under the pretext of uneasiness. I think he didn't get his hand stain with dark magic in the past. .......don't make me pity you. You done it. You know the damn sequence as well. Ch74 I just want to cry also fuck everyone including Ian Ch76 I'm so so so so super sorry due to the fact I'm saddened by the fact the 5th died bro capture my heart. It's perfectly normal for human to be greedy but he took greedy path to another level of greediness bro deserve that death. But I want to know what tf he was trying to say to Ian. Ian is valid for not wanting to listen. But at least to me.. the audience. ...I can fix him.... Lol I don't think so? Maybe? In my next life maybe I'll try if I got the chance. Currently in delulu arc, don't mind me first he got daddy issues. Second there's no one to support him, sure he's smart and intelligent plus most noble is on his side but that's not enough to seek his father's worth. Note that, he doesn't have friends that's why he got avoidant attachment issues. I feel you. Ian ain't going anywhere bruh but he thinking Ian gonna betrayed him is 100% valid. I'll think the same too if I were in his shoes. ...yep, he bewitched me. I'm trying to find no flaw in him. This is satire. Oh pls wtf In his mother's eyes, he's an 18 yo child... I'd get cardiac arrest lol if I were her listening to what he have to go through during those times Ch81 aka final chapter First of all, THEY GOT MARRIED YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY MY SHIP HAS SAILED TO THE MOON!!! second, Ms Hailey is quite the lucky girl (syndrome by illit). I feel like this is Ian first girl's contact except his mother lol. Third, crown prince grown up to be a competent (I'm using word that idk the meaning) man. Fourth, it was good. Not quite sure about the rating but I like it so far. I have this weird aftertaste... Idk myself. Ok and lastly, I wrote so much haha. Why I didn't do this before. This is fun, instead of talking to myself only. Goodnight, tomorrow is Eid Mubarak lol have to wake up early


Ongoing | | 2019 released

Oh? I'm actually quite surprised I didn't comment in this story (yet) and fyi this is one of my favorite story! Me too, col.... me too..... What a pure kid. Also yep the comfort that I desire, knowing someone would take care of you. What in the misery happened to freed?